Publicis Groupe lanceert zijn AI platform Marcel


Op de beurs VivaTech heeft Publicis Groupe zijn artificial intelligence platform Marcel gelanceerd. Dit laat de 80.000 wereldwijde werknemers van de groep toe om efficiënt samen te werken en ervaringen uit te wisselen. Als gevolg van deze aankondiging verandert het agentschap Marcel van naam en heet het voortaan Arthur.

Arthur Sadoun bedankt de teams die het project hebben ontwikkeld voor een internationaal publiek van klanten en pers.

Publicis Groupe unveiled Marcel – named after Publicis Groupe founder Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet – AI-powered innovation that will accelerate transforming the organization from a holding company to a platform, creating the first truly borderless, frictionless enterprise workforce, comprised of 80,000 employees worldwide, and usher in a new era of creativity and innovation.

Arthur Sadoun, Chariman & CEO, said : « Marcel is the proof of our commitment to our people. At Publicis, we will put them first in our transformation, and give them the opportunity to learn, share and create more than anywhere else. Marcel is the proof of our commitment to our clients. They will be able to leverage our incredible diversity of talent to bring to life the ideas they need to grow their business. »

At its core, Marcel is about empowering every single Publicis employee to the power of 80,000. Founded in a belief that an augmented workforce leads to higher engagement, which in turn leads to better work and results for clients, Marcel is built on the foundation of four key pillars :

  • The power of knowledge serves to educate and inspire our people through creative work and illuminating business, industry, account and cultural intelligence.
  • The power of connectivity finds, matches, casts and suggests the most appropriate people within the Groupe to connect, depending on people’s needs, interests, behavioral patterns and desires.
  • The power of opportunity provides a multitude of ways that each person can contribute, participate and flex their skills and passions on other projects beyond their day-to-day accounts.
  • The power of productivity turns the often tedious and highly-manual processes like timesheets and expenses into seamless and incredibly easy tasks. Fueled by a live organizational data graph and Microsoft AI technology, Marcel will deliver a fluid, intuitive, intelligent and rich experience for the 80,000 strong workforce.

Today, Marcel is tested by a team of 100 alpha users. In June the Groupe will release a beta version to 1,000 people selected as an exact Publicis Groupe representation, by agency, role and geography. The goal is to reach 90% of our people by 2020.