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09:00 - 14:30

UMA Get Together Media Date

At the UMA Get Together Media Date at Dolce La Hulpe, several prestigious speakers share their visions and insights on creative effectiveness and use of media, illustrating the importance of a strong local media ecosystem.

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14:30 - 21:00

UBA Media Date

De UBA Media Date brengt je een programma dat speciaal is toegespitst op de noden van adverteerders. Je krijgt er inzichten van buitenlandse topsprekers met een uitgesproken visie op media, communicatie en merken.

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14:30 - 18:00

Kantar Belgium BrandZ

Celebrate the strongest brands of Belgium in 2024 and get a glimpse of the new Belgium Top 30 and Global Top 100.

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16:00 - 18:00

BMMA: MMM in Action

Marketing Mix Modelling in Action: a workshop to boost your ROI by implementing MMM in your marketing strategy. Led by Nicolas Schnock, data scientist and founder of Lykta.

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14:00 - 17:30

CommPass: Media Pulse Session

CommPass brengt je in één namiddag een overzicht van alle relevante evoluties binnen het medialandschap. Alle mediumtypes komen aan bod, in samenwerking met de UMA.

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08:30 - 17:00

BMMA: Leadership in Action

Learn about yourself and others through the lenses of a unique personality type model, the Enneagram, in order to fuel your leadership style and to foster the cohesion of your team(s).

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13:00 - 15:00

CommPass Intro Class: Media Metrics

Terwijl de nieuwkomers vandaag vooral kennismaken met Impressies, Unique Browsers en Real Users, worden de “legacy” media vooral in kaart gebracht op basis van Contacten, Bereik, Herhaling en GRP.

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