Laden Evenementen

Workshop: How to sharpen your value proposition to drive pricing power?

12:00 - 14:30

By far the toughest part of any business is to define or to sharpen a truly compelling Value Proposition. And investors and competitors know: no clear Value Prop, no Brand Health, no Pricing Power,… no sustainable business.

In this highly interactive masterclass, Chris will share a simple and proven framework, along with many examples, to sharply define your own value prop as the key fundament to your success, regardless of whether you have a start up, scale up or an established business.


The 2-hour workshop will be split into 5 parts:

  1. Brief recap of Burggraeve’s 8 marketing fundamentals model (“MC-Rocket”)
  2. What is your Alpha M rating today? (Participants take the free online test beforehand to discuss in class. – see free rating on
  3. Deep dive on your pricing Power and how your value Proposition impacts it.
  4. Apply the Value Proposition framework demonstrated on your own company (take individual time).
  5. Select presentations and group discussion on a number of participants’ own cases. Open Q&A by participants to address other key questions.

Chris Burggraeve

His corporate career spanned 23 years working for global FMCG blue chips like P&G (90-95), The Coca-Cola Company (95-07), and Anheuser-Busch InBev (CMO 07-12). Late 2012, he created his own NYC based marketing capability and strategy consultancy (, advising non CPG / private equity / tech scale ups in need of his deep branding experience.