GroupM positioneert zich als een drijvende kracht achter inclusie en constructieve verandering met de publicatie van het CSR Charter rond diversiteit en inclusie.
Alle CEO’s van de agentschappen van de groep steunen het charter en verbinden zich ertoe om 10 kernprincipes te implementeren.
Dit initiatief is ook een uitnodiging aan de hele communicatiesector om deze waarden te delen, te promoten en tot leven te brengen.
De 10 principes van het GroupM Charter zijn:
- Respect & Integrity: everyone should be empowered and feel safe to be themselves at work.
- Equality of opportunities: we select and promote our people on the basis of their qualifications and merit.
- Safe & sound: establish a confidential process for discrimination and harassment complaints. We also create “listening circles” where employees can voice their feelings and concerns in a trustful and safe environment.
- Culture of Empowerment: we regularly hold open safe forums where employees are encouraged to share their feedback on ways of working.
- Never stop learning: we encourage all our employees to develop and deepen their understanding of D&I
- Take local action: we support the Corporate Social Responsibility employee community, as well as all the organizations the community collaborates with.
- Shift the narrative: we leverage the power of advertising to change the wider society and we review our strategies, so that our stories convey and reflect our core D&I principles and values
- Opt for ecology: we help our people to adopt and share sustainability-focused approaches in their professional lives.
- Spread the word: we drive diversity & inclusion change, including our clients, other agencies and suppliers.
- Track impact: we measure the impact of our company’s activities with regards to CSR.