Étiquette : smartphones

Seen from Space : Smartphone et audio

L'étude Audio Time du CIM a justement inclus le smartphone parmi les appareils servant à consommer des flux audio. Avec le smartphone, on parle du deuxième terminal le plus important en proportion du temps total de consommation audio.

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Imec Digimeter 2017

The imec.digimeter report 2017 sheds a light on Flanders’ media consumption habits, the use of media devices and its attitude towards digital media and technology.

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Smartphone penetration to reach 66% in 2018

According to Zenith’s Mobile Advertising Forecasts 2017, 66% of individuals in 52 key countries will own a smartphone in 2018. Tablet ownership is stabilising at about 20%. Mobile devices account for 73% of time spent using the internet in 2018.

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