De Annual of Master in Media Awards, samengevat als AMMA, hebben als doel het reclame- en mediavak te promoten door de beste resultaten te bekronen uit de media-expertise van het land met betrekking tot onderzoek, mediaplanning en strategie, vernieuwing in verhandeling van mediaruimte en creatief omspringen met media.
Hieronder vindt u het overzicht van de winaars van dit jaar.
Media Agency of the Year
WINNER: Initiative
Media Sales House of the Year
WINNER: Medialaan TV
Pebble Media
Development & Innovation
GOLD: Clear Channel (Out Of Home Proximity)
SILVER: Spotify
BRONZE: Futures (The Empirical Booster)
Best Media Strategy
GOLD: Space (Mr. Bru, catch me if you can)
SILVER: UM (Coca-Cola Light search for the local hunk)
BRONZE: MEC (, the shop for everybody)
Best Use of Search Marketing
GOLD: Semetis (Integration in the biggest rebranding, Proximus)
SILVER: MEC (Sinutab wins consumers interest)
BRONZE: Initiative & Reprise Media (Countdown ads, Nationale Loterij)
Best Creative Media Use
GOLD: Initiative (Child marriages, Plan Belgium)
SILVER: Space (Samsung, tweet for heat)
BRONZE: UM (Real time spot, Bwin)
Best Use of Social & Earned
GOLD: Mindshare (VO cannabis)
SILVER: MEC (I-social sampling by Hills Pet)
BRONZE: Havas (Citroën – social newsroom)
Best Use of Interactive
GOLD: Mindshare (De Lijn, het spel)
SILVER: Havas (Building audience through programmatic – Touring Assistance)
BRONZE: UM (Customize your own bottle – Coca-Cola)
Best Media Research
GOLD: RMB (Digitude)
SILVER: Spotify (Impact on the Belgian radio landscape)
BRONZE: De Persgroep Advertising (Dailymetrie, daily reach of newsbrands)
High Potential Talent Award
WINNERS: Sarah Bresseleers (Maxus) en Corentin Franzin (Havas)
Emilie Croon (Space) en Carlos Rangel (Mindshare)
Anouchka D`Hertefelt (Initiative) en Wouter Vandenameele (PHD)
Media Representative of the Year
WINNER: Nathalie Legouy (IPM Advertising)
Benjamin Sekkai (Microsoft)
Sander Loncke (Spotify)
Media Advertiser of the Year
WINNER: Kris Coumans (Mercedes-Benz)
Inge Vervliet (BMW)
Geert Van Aelst (Tiense Suiker)
Special Mention of the Jury: Spotify
Media Personality of the Year: Thierry Van Zeebroeck (VAR)