Laden Evenementen

Social Media Summit

12:30 - 18:00

The Real Impact of Social Media

The Social Media landscape is changing very fast and has become an integral part of people’s lives and daily routines. Given the importance of social media in consumers’ lives, marketers and businesses run towards social platforms to connect with their target customers. There is a content overload on social media and the competition is very high. It can be extremely difficult to stand out unless you have a clear Social Media Strategy.

At the Social Media Summit you can discover the trends that will dominate the social media landscape in 2020 and beyond. You will be inspired by great cases and talented marketers so you can draw up your social media marketing strategy. The countdown to 2020 has already begun and it’s excited to see what the new decade has in store.

During one afternoon, you will get the chance to learn about what concepts you have to implement for a strong social strategy. During an inspiring afternoon, experts will share their analysis on the latest changes in social marketing in Belgium, delivering their advice on strategical concepts based on « word of mouth ». There will also be plenty of time for questions and conversations following the talks and during the networking breaks.


Confirmed Speakers

  • Geoffrey Hantson (Happiness)
  • Jonas De Wit (Lucy)
  • Jef Raeman (LDV United)
  • Joachim François (FamousGrey)
  • Liese Schaeken (Lola Liza)
  • Elise Chevalier (Ici Paris XL)
  • Jony Maesele (Influo)
  • Tom Husson (
  • Marion Min (Leadist)
  • Yasmin Vantuykom (Efluenz)
  • Maha Karim-Hosselet (MKKM)
  • Annelien Alaerts (Lola Liza)
  • Fiona Amoroso (Visit Brussels)
  • Elise Breban (Ambassify)
  • Helena Van Eykeren (Freelance)
  • Alea Fairchild (The Constantia Institute)