Evolution of the advertising model: when TV meets Digital
Proximus believes in personalised experiences, whether in content or in advertising. Because we all have different interests and watch tv anywhere and anytime, Proximus has launched Smart Ads, a service that allows advertisers to communicate towards specific audiences.
This service combines the strengths of a broadcast medium with the accuracy of digital advertising. It’s a unique platform that allows broadcasters to manage targeted campaigns, aimed at different audiences on tv thanks to a wide range of targeting criteria. Such campaigns run both on big tv screens as well as on other devices, and are delivered in different viewing modes, and, for the first time, on a national scale.
Guillaume Boutin
Mr. Guillaume Boutin joined the Proximus Executive Committee as Chief Consumer Market Officer in August 2017. Having worked in the French telecom and the media sectors, Mr. Boutin has gained deep knowledge and understanding of new market dynamics and business models of these sectors. Mr. Boutin holds a Master’s degree in Business Management from HEC Business School and an Executive MBA from INSEAD.
Mr. Boutin started his career as strategy consultant and web entrepreneur. He then joined SFR, where he held the positions of Director Chairman Office, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, until he joined Canal+ Group in 2015 as Chief Marketing Officer. Mr. Boutin is a member of the Board of directors of Scarlet Belgium. Since 1 January 2019, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of Proximus Luxembourg, the result of the Tango and Telindus Luxembourg merger.
The presentation will be given in French.
24 september 2019 12:00 - 14:00Organisator
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