MAGnify is back live! Let the power of local media amaze you at our fifth annual conference.
- Building engaged communities. Your ad will benefit from the quality and trust that our media built with the customer.
- Creative possibilities to stand out. Anything that tickles the five senses.
- Storytelling. How to balance beautiful stories between editorial and commercial content.
- Non-intrusive ads. Ads in magazines are seen as natural in a trusted medium.
- Cross-media solutions enhance ROI substantially. Following the behavior of the consumer.
- Lucio Mesquita, Senior Consultant at Innovation Media
- Jacqueline Loch, EVP Customer Innovation, SJC Content
- Amélie Bénisty, Audience Director at ACPM (France)
Sofa Session
- Britt Luyten, CCO – Maxus
- Xavier Bouckaert, CEO – RMG
- Stéphane Buisseret, CEO – Air Brussels
Moderator: Bart Lombaerts, Head of Content, Spyke.
Host: Marcel Vanthilt.
Ajouter à votre calendrier
29 septembre 2022 09:00 - 14:00Organisateur
Magazine MediaPlus d'informations: site webAdresse
CC De Factorij Willem Lambertstraat 10Zaventem
1930 Belgique + Google Map