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The Battle for Attention (Webinar)

13:00 - 13:30

The first season of the Beyond Reason webinars is coming to an end. We’ve hosted an amazing series of talks the past months, and want to first and foremost thank you for your enthusiasm and attendance.

Before taking a summer break, we have one last topic to discuss. We’re ending this season with a bang, and are happy to present you “The Battle for Attention”.

“Implicit motives orient the attention of individuals, ultimately shaping their behaviour.” ( David McClelland, formerly, Chairman of the Department of Psychology, Harvard University)

The Problem

You want consumers to hear to your message. You need to win that battle for attention. But — despite millions in marketing spend — you can not buy attention.

For attention is something we do not consciously control.

The Solution

Scientists agree that attention is a sub-conscious or implicit process, responding to implicit motives.

Marketing exercises that align with the consumer’s implicit motives, are more successful in capturing the consumer’s attention.

What are you missing

  • A better understanding of the implicit mind and implicit motives.
  • A feasible method that links the scientific insights to your marketing practices.


  • The big beauty campaign that nobody noticed
  • The small beauty campaign that everybody saw


  • Olivier Tjon, Co-Founder of Beyond Reason