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Not Your Average Webinar

14:00 - 15:00

Content is king. That’s basically an open door. But how to actually create content that amazes, engages and leaves a mark? Who better to ask than Robert Van Impe. ‘Robert Who?’, I hear you think. Maybe Average Rob rings a bell?

Average Rob is the alter ego of Robert Van Impe on social media. He’s a born entertainer with only one goal: making you laugh. Just watch the video ‘Becoming a mermaid for one day’, and you will get the vibe.

Saying he is famous would be an understatement. To give you an idea. He has 367.000 followers on Instagram and 288.400 followers on TikTok. You may also know him from Humo (magazine) or StuBru (radio station).

Tune in to have a peek in the wonderful mind of Average Rob and learn how to create content from the content king himself.