Chaque mois, un de nos quatre partenaires du BAM Legal Expert Group (LEG) vous propose un webinar de 30 minutes sur un sujet juridique particulier lié au Marketing. La présentation est suivie d’une session de Q&A pour vous permettre de poser toutes vos questions.
Ce mois-ci, c’est Bart Van Den Brande, avocat chez Sirius Legal qui est au rendez-vous. Il donnera cette session avec An Haenen.
Cette session sera donnée en néerlandais.
Cookieless advertising is coming: all you should know from a legal perspective
In this webinar our LEG members Bart and An from Sirius Legal will dive into the legal consequences of cookieless advertising. We will discuss the legal impact of Apple ITP 2.1, Mozilla ETP and Google Chrome’s tracking prevention as well as the legal implication of recently developed alternatives for the use of (third party) cookies such as Googles recent bèta version of its Server Side Tagging tools for analytics: what is Server Side Tagging and is it an alternative to classic use of cookies from a legal perspective? We will go over points of attention under the « cookie law » and under GDPR.
In the second part of the presentation, An Haenen will look into the practical options to use cookie based Google Analytics in a GDPR compliant way. She will also give a short introduction on the recently launched Google Consent Manager and will discuss how your marketing activities are impacted by GDPR and cookie legislation from a practical point of view (e.g. impact on remarketing, affiliate, etc.).
We will end the presentation with a short overview of BAM’s position paper on the use of analytics cookies as it will be delivered to the Belgian Data Protection Authority.