Laden Evenementen

Virtual Creative Session with Paul Kemp-Robertson

16:00 - 17:00

Ask Heretical Questions

Human beings are hardwired to hate uncertainty and avoid risk. It’s why our ancestors ran away from hot lava and angry mammoths. It’s also why so many modern-day marketers reject brave, disruptive ideas.

Creativity, by definition, is novel and divergent. And this is what can scare clients – even though they may not know it. Because businesses love certainty and treat logic like a comfort blanket. Businesses focus on answers, not questions.

But we believe that in uncertain times, brands should flip that mindset and question everything, even the staunchest beliefs and practices. Heretical questions are hard, and don’t lead to fun conversations. But in this session, Paul explains why these are the interrogations that could protect your business by creating ideas your rivals wouldn’t dare to even think about.

Paul Kemp-Robertson, Co-Founder & Chief Brand Officer at Contagious

After graduating with a master’s degree from University of London, Goldsmiths’ College, Paul served on the launch team behind Shots magazine in 1990, becoming editor in 1994. In 1998, he became Leo Burnett’s worldwide director of creative resources, based in Chicago, where he was responsible for the network’s global creative council and its Creative Exchange repository of award-winning marketing ideas from around the world. Paul returned to London and, in 2004, co-founded Contagious – a marketing innovation resource and a creative excellence consultancy for brands and agencies. Paul is also an advisor to the UK creative arts charity, Create.