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BAM Marketing Congress

08:30 - 16:00

The BAM Marketing Congress is your annual meet-up with professionals passionate about marketing.

This 41st edition takes place on 8 and 9 December at BK Expo (Groot-Bijgaarden) and evolves around the theme “Embrace Uncertainty”.

We are living in uncertain times. As a marketer, you can either wait for things to improve or grab this crisis by the horns and focus on the opportunities changing times present. Because we believe every cloud has a silver lining.

Learn from speakers who have already lived through a crisis, listen to the advice of thought leaders in meaningful marketing, and experience targeted master classes that offer you all the inspiration you need to weather a storm, and perhaps your brand can emerge even stronger than it was before.

The programme of this 41st edition is still under construction, but we can already announce the first 4 not-to-be-missed keynotes:

  • Joe Pullizi is the gothfather of content marketing. He will show us his best content strategies to achieve your marketing goals.
  • Marketing rockstar and innovation strategist Claus Raasted will share what extraordinary brand experiences can bring us in uncertain times.
  • Sara Riis-Carstensen is the former Global Brand Director of Lego. She will give us meaningful building blocks to guide our brands through this crisis.
  • Sylvia Garcia, better known as the Happiness Director of Coca Cola will broaden on our marketing well-being or how happiness can help you or your organisation to become more successful.